To the very young child, the story conveys an adventuresome child exploring, discovering that while there are adult things which are not “just right” for children, there are things that are “just right” for a child. At this point Goldilocks awakens, sees the bears, and runs out of the house. Baby bear shouts, “Someone has been sleeping in my bed and there she is!”. Poppa bear observes that someone has been sleeping in his bed as does Momma bear. Papa bear utters “Someone has been sitting in my chair” followed by Mamma bear’s commenting, “Someone has been sitting in my chair.” Baby bear cries out, “Someone has been sitting in my chair and it’s all broken!” The three bears check the bedroom.

Poppa bear says, “Someone has been eating my porridge.” Momma bear states, “Someone has been eating my porridge.” Baby bear declares, “Someone has been eating my porridge and ate it all up!” They check the living room. Finally, trying baby bear’s bed Goldilocks quickly learns that it “is just right”. She tries Mommy bear’s bed which is too soft. Lying down on Papa bear’s bed, she learns it is too hard. She enjoys sitting in this comfortable chair and the chair breaks. She sits in each chair and discovers that Poppa bear’s chair is too hard, Momma bear’s chair is too soft, and baby bear’s chair “is just right”. Goldilocks finds three chairs in the living room. Poppa bear’s porridge is too hot, Momma bear’s porridge is too cold, and baby bear’s porridge “is just right”. She discovers three bowls of porridge on the table. To a very small child, a little girl explores a bear‘s family’s home. Upon pondering, the fairy tale becomes complex and meaningful memories emerge. Reflecting on this tale, it first appears to be simple. A favorite was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Like most small children I was introduced to fairy tales, which were spell-binding and significant for both known and unknown reasons at many levels. Being tucked safely into bed and having mom read before sleeping was a treasured evening ritual which set a foundation for a love of books and storey telling.